We develop and coordinate programmes to respond to rule of law challenges

We develop and coordinate programmes to respond to rule of law challenges
We support strengthening the rule of law in conflict, post-conflict and transition countries where our members have long term partnerships with legal professionals, courts, judicial training institutes, government agencies and civil society organisations. We do this through the development and coordination of programmes that respond to the emerging challenges of rule of law reform, while acknowledging that national and local ownership is essential for achieving more transformative and sustainable change.
Building on our legal analysis and assessments, we aim to reinforce the independence and resilience of often fragile justice sector institutions and legal professionals in conflict-affected and transition settings through professional exchanges, capacity development and other programme tools. This includes working to change attitudes, values and perceptions of legal professionals to achieve more effective justice and ensure inclusive and equal access to justice in line with specific targets of SDG 5 and SDG 16 in the 2030 Agenda.
More than 250 Cuban lawyers received a diploma in international commercial law at a graduation ceremony at the University of Havana on 15 November. ILAC has coordinated the international commercial law course since 2016. The course is implemented by the International…
Oftentimes when I lecture on human rights, which includes women’s rights, I explain to my students that the achievement of human rights and gender equality is a process rather than a fixed result. The struggle to achieve the fulfilment of…
A delegation of four Cuban legal professionals from the National Union of Jurists of Cuba (UNJC) participated in an exchange in Stockholm, Sweden last week on sustainable development and rule of law. Organised by ILAC and the Swedish Bar Association, the…
ILAC Policy Brief #9
تقييم سيادة القانون – ILAC Rule of Law Assessment: Tunisia
ILAC Rule of Law Assessment
ILAC Rule of Law Assessment