The Center for Justice & Accountability Joins ILAC

ILAC is pleased to welcome the Center For Justice and Accountability (CJA) as one of our newest member organisations.  CJA was elected to join ILAC in May 2019 at our Annual General Meeting in London, United Kingdom.

Founded in 1998, CJA is a US-based non-governmental organisation dedicated to deterring torture, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and other severe human rights abuses committed around the world through innovative litigation, policy, and transitional justice strategies.

Together with national partners, CJA works to bring human rights criminals to justice, alongside building and strengthening the rule of law where the crimes occurred.

CJA’s current work covers some 14 countries, including a capacity building programme in Syria which promotes accountability for atrocities committed in the civil war and collaborating with UN Women in its efforts to address sexual and gender-based violence in Tunisia.

“CJA is poised to support ILAC’s efforts to rebuild justice systems in countries that are in conflict, post conflict, or in transition toward peace and democracy”, CJA’s Interim Co-Executive Directors, Carmen Cheung and Jennifer Rasmussen.

ILAC’s added value is its members. We are comprised of more than 45 legal organisations and 30 individual members, representing over 3 million legal professionals worldwide – judges, lawyers, prosecutors, and court administrators – who routinely apply rule of law principles as part of their daily practice in a variety of contexts and cultures.

For more information, please contact ILAC’s Communications Officer, Vanessa Passos.