RWI: COVID-19 Effects on Fundamental Rights – a Blog Series

ILAC’s member, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI), has initiated a blog series in which RWI researchers and experts from the organisation’s network highlight and investigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on fundamental human rights worldwide. 

In an acknowledgement of the fact that the pandemic has put the world in a worse state than before – as violations of human rights have increased, inequalities augmented and thus the gaps between rich and poor widened – the blog series is a contribution to the comprehensive UN COVID-19 response strategy of building back better.

The COVID-19 pandemic affects everyone, everywhere, with enormous humanitarian and economic consequences. It is a test of the resilience of societies and governments and it is a harsh reminder of the importance of protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.  

Despite its devastating and long-lasting effects, the pandemic is also a time to learn valuable lessons for a better recovery and stronger societies. COVID-19 is an opportunity for everyone – local, national, regional and global actors – to build back better and set the world on track. To face this challenge, it will be vital to strengthen respect for the rule of law as well as to protect economic, political, civil and social rights. Sharing insights on the crisis and its effects on fundamental rights is one way of moving in the right direction. 

Find the blog series here: