Rapport d’évaluation de l’état de droit: Haïti
Rapport d’évaluation de l’état de droit

Rule of Law Assessment: Haiti
Rule of law assessment of the Haitian judicial system (2005).

Gender Justice in Liberia The Way Forward
Report of the High- Level Meeting in Monrovia Organised by the Partners for Gender Justice, in cooperation with the Ministries of Gender and Development and Justice,
Republic of Liberia (2006)

Building Partnerships for Promoting Gender Justice in Post-Conflict Societies
Report of the High-Level Meeting organised by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and ILAC (2005)

Rule of Law Assessment: Liberia (2003)
Post-conflict assessment of the Liberian judicial system (2003)

Rule of Law Assessment Report: Iraq
Assessment report of the judicial system of Iraq (2003).