The International Senior Lawyers Project (“ISLP”) provides the pro bono services of highly skilled and experienced lawyers to promote human rights, equitable and sustainable economic development and the rule of law worldwide. ISLP assists certain developing country governments and non-governmental…
RWI – Planned or Proposed, Libya
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) is an independent academic institution, founded in 1984 at the Faculty of Law at Lund University in Sweden. The mission of the institute is to promote universal respect for…
IBA Planned or Proposed, Libya
To be completed
UN receives letter of support for Syrian lawyers
On March 14, the world’s major international organizations representing the legal profession jointly sent a letter to the United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, in support of the lawyers of Syria, reportedly being harassed, imprisoned and abused for participating in peaceful…
stiltyper post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam nec velit nisl, vel pulvinar lacus. Proin hendrerit, sem in sagittis rutrum, lorem diam suscipit mi, et pellentesque metus odio ac turpis. Duis diam massa, auctor interdum viverra id, mollis et…
ILAC Report on Libya
From November 16-23, 2011, ILAC conducted pre-assessment mission to Libya, a combined fact-finding and training mission to Libya in the immediate aftermath of the hostilities.
ILAC Mission to South Sudan
A small ILAC assessment team visited South Sudan in December 2011.
ILAC Mission to Libya
From November 16-23, 2011, ILAC conducted its initial mission to Libya.
2011 Stockholm Human Rights Award
The 2011 Stockholm Human Rights Award was given to George Soros and Aryeh Neier.