The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) is an independent academic institution, founded in 1984 at the Faculty of Law at Lund University in Sweden. The mission of the institute is to promote universal respect for human rights and humanitarian law by means of research, academic education, dissemination and institutional development. The Institute mainly works in three areas – Administration of Justice, National Human Rights Institutions and Academic cooperation.
To assist in the strengthening of the rule of law in Libya, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute can offer the following capacity development programmes:
Administration of Justice:
- Human Rights capacity development of administration of justice officers, such as police forces, judges, prosecutors and correctional service officers.
- Support for Prisons (training on Standard Minimum Rules for treatment of prisoners).
- Support to institutions providing in and out service training for judges, prosecutors and other officials (assistance introducing human rights to curricula, institutional capacity development, network-building, advisory services, etc.).
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRI):
- Human Rights trainings/workshops for the staff/leadership of the NHRI
- Institutional capacity building of the NHRI (financial, human resource management capacities, sound organizational structure, etc.)
- Training/workshops of the NHRI staff/leadership on exercising specific functions of the National Human Rights Institutions:
- Education and promotion of human rights.
- Investigation and monitoring of human rights in the country.
- Interaction with judiciary.
- Capacity to advise government on human rights issues.
- Cooperation with other National and International organizations.
Academic Cooperation:
- Capacity building of academic institutions (law faculties, human rights centers, etc.)
- Developing the capacity of institutions through academic and support staff in Human Rights Education (training on human rights teaching methodology, development of human rights curriculum, etc.).
- Developing the capacity of institutions through academic and support staff in HR research (Developing publication strategies for academics on human rights, developing Human rights research skills, etc.).
- Institutionalizing good project management and donor relation skills.
- Library and documentation centre support.
- Training governmental officials on report writing to UN bodies