ILAC individual member, Hans Corell, was invited to deliver the Fifth Hilding Eek Memorial Lecture at Stockholm University this year. In his lecture he reflected on the United Nations Security Council and the Rule of Law. Please find the lecture…
Llamada a Licitación para Organización de Conferencia
Servicios de consultoría para la organización de la conferencia regional “Jueces como Constructores de Paz”. Contexto El Consorcio Internacional de Asistencia Legal (ILAC) es una organización no gubernamental internacional. ILAC trabaja para fortalecer el estado de derecho, empoderar a los…

التهجير ونزع الملكية والوصول إلى العدالة في سوريا: ما الذي يمكن أن يفعله الفاعلون في مجال العدالة؟
طاولة مستديرة لمعالجة انتهاكات حقوق الإسكان والأرض والملكية: التحديات والفرص والمخاطر بالنسبة لمستقبل سوريا الثلاثاء 2 نوفمبر 2021 10.00 – 12.00 بتوقيت وسط أوروبا المشاركة الشخصية في جنيف والمشاركة عبر الإنترنت عبر Zoom إن خلق اليقين القانوني وحماية حقوق الناس في…
Addressing the current situation in Afghanistan
ILAC is dedicated to strengthening the rule of law, empowering legal professionals, and ensuring equal access to justice for all in countries facing conflict, crisis, or transition to democracy. As such, ILAC and our members are deeply concerned about the…

Concerning the International Criminal Court
In 2017 the International Criminal Court (ICC) was awarded the Stockholm Human Rights Award for its fight against impunity for atrocity crimes that threaten the peace, security and well- being of the world in accordance with the Rome Statute and for…

The judiciary and accountable governance in times of a pandemic
Blog piece by Richard Sannerholm Governance systems are tested in times of crisis. Crisis means a disruption of the normal (coming from the Greek word krísis meaning “an act of separating” or “sudden change”), and with crisis follows unpredictability. In…

ILAC as a thematic partner on Accountable Governance in the World Justice Challenge 2021
Today, December 16th, is the deadline for applications for the World Justice Challenge of 2021: Advancing the Rule of Law in a Time of Crisis. Facilitated by our member the World Justice Project the challenge is a global competition to identify,…

WJP: Announcing the World Justice Challenge 2021
Today ILAC’s member the World Justice Project is launching the World Justice Challenge 2021. ILAC is pleased to participate in the initiative as a thematic partner on Accountable Governance. The World Justice Challenge 2021: Advancing the Rule of Law in…

Hina Jilani announced as 2020 Stockholm Human Rights Award laureate
Pioneering lawyer, pro-democracy campaigner and avid civil rights activist Hina Jilani was announced today as the recipient of the 2020 Stockholm Human Rights Award – bestowed annually by the Swedish Bar Association,the International Bar Association (IBA) and the International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC). Ms Jilani has always been…