ILAC’s newest publication, “Under Assault: A Status Report on the Ukrainian Justice System in Wartime” documents the toll that five months of war has had on the Ukrainian justice system.
Released on July 27, 2022, ILAC’s report surveys region-by-region how the war has practically impacted justice institutions from the judiciary, prosecution, lawyers and law students. The report also surveys, by jurisdiction, the physical damage to courthouses and other infrastructure, and the steps taken by Ukrainian officials to transfer courts and judges out of conflict or Russian-occupied zones.
ILAC intends this status report to be used as a tool – a benchmark – for supporting Ukraine’s justice sector needs now, during wartime, and planning for what will have to be rebuilt once there is peace.
Researched and authored by ILAC’s former President, William D. Meyer, “Under Assault: A Status Report on the Ukrainian Justice System in Wartime” compiles data from dozens of individual stakeholders and Ukrainian institutions including the High Qualification Commission for Judges, the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the State Judicial Administration, the High Council of Justice, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, and numerous regional and local courts, prosecutor’s offices, and bar councils.
Since the original publication, we have made slight edits to this Status Report to include additional information from Ukrainian justice sector stakeholders. ILAC will publish a full update to the Report in early 2023.
For more information on ILAC’s report or planned updates, please email Hanna Johnsson at hanna.johnsson@ilac.se.