Prashant Kumar, an economist turned lawyer is currently the President of the Bar Association of India and Indian Law Foundation and has been a past President of Lawasia. He is Convenor of India Committee and Founder Member of BRICS Legal Forum.
He has appeared in landmark constitution cases involving powers of Governor, dissolution of State Assembly, Use of Contingency fund, disqualification of members of legislature and matters relating to the independence of judiciary.
He regularly appears as a counsel in international and domestic arbitrations. He heads a boutique law firm Trinaya Legal.
He was the member of Lawasia fact finding mission to Pakistan on judicial crisis in 2008, he was the only international observer for trail of 43rd Chief Justice of Sri Lanka, he was detained and deported from Male as part of observer mission to Maldives when government arrested Chief Justice, he addresses convention on Nepal’s constitution making where other key speakers were the President of Nepal, Speaker of Parliament, Chair of Constituent Assembly, Chief Justice and leaders of ruling and opposition parties. He has twice co-chaired the Presidents of Law Associations of Asia (POLA) Summit in Sri Lanka and Mongolia besides being convenor of 2015 Summit in India and has played a key role in devising the Agenda for the Summit since then.
Currently he is intensely involved in the project to establish Dispute Resolution Institutions Network for the Emerging Economies and BRICS, which is in advanced stages of being launched.