Board of Directors
ILAC Board of Directors oversees the Consortium’s operations in ILAC’s best interest. The board members are elected at the ILAC annual general meeting every third year.
Following the closure of its office in Stockholm,the ILAC Secretariat is temporarily being hosted by the Raoul Wallenberg lnstitute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWl), a longstanding member of the Consortium.

Zuzana Zalanova serves as ILAC Acting Executive Director, from the RWI office in Lund, Sweden, where she is also Director of RWI’s Europe Office. Zuzana has extensive experience with the rule of law, access to justice and international cooperation, having worked for the United Nations in Ukraine, coordinated Rule of Law programmes of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) in Mongolia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, supported regional human rights and justice initiatives of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Europe and Central Asia, and managed the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum.
Advisory Council
The Advisory Council is consulted by the Board of Directors to review specific issues such as membership, current and future projects, fundraising, long-term planning, advocacy and other policy or organizational issues.
- American Bar Association
- Sareta Ashraph, Self
- Juan Bennazar, Self
- CEELI Institute
- Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice
- Hans Corell, Self
- Mike Enwall, Self
- International Association of Women Judges
- International Bar Association
- International Bridges for Justice
- The Law Society for England and Wales
- National Center for State Courts
- Salli Swartz, Self
- Swedish Bar Association
- Union Internationale des Avocats
- Joan Winship, Self
- Public International Law & Policy Group
- Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Nasser Amin, Self
- Keith Raynor, Self